How to use the managed TEDTalks library?

This tutorial shows how to use the managed TEDTalks library. The integrated managed TEDTalks library can scan the TEDTalks via the noggle client. Furthermore, you can use all integrated cognitive recommendation features to link public TEDTalks with your individual, personal documents.

Step 1: Select the managed TEDTalks Library

Open the library panel, switch to managed libraries and select the TEDTalks library:

Managed TEDTalks Library

Managed TEDTalks Library




Step 2: Search for specific TED Talks

Now your are able to specifiy search querries to browse and search the TED Talks library from within your client. With a click on the ” Intelligent Open ” button, you will directly forwarded to the page with the respective video talk.



Step 3: Cluster the search results and build cognitive curated playlists via our KnowledgeMap

Noggle can create and cluster all found TED Talks for the subject with the integrated KnowledgeMap feature. By using the integrated cognitive AI processing engine, you can use and browse automatically generated knowledge maps to research and browse the search results.




Step 5: Use the cognitive “Recommender Button” to show related content

If you have found an interesting TED Talk, you can use the “Recommend” button and Noggle will instantly search and present a list with all TED Talks that are related to the selected one. This cognitive retrieval feature also works across different libraries. You can, for example, select different libraries with the Library Manager panel. When you press the “Recommend” button, noggle will also search for related documents from all current selected libraries. This way, you can use public TED talks to retrieve personal documents that are related with a presentation. Or the other way: You can search documents, activate the TED library within the Library Manager panel, and press the “Recommend” button on your document. This way, Noggle will pull up TED talks that are related to your personal document.


What would a robot see in TED Talks? …beautiful TED Talk maps

What would happen if we fed a robot with all the TED talks from the most inspiring leaders in the world over the last 10 years and asked key questions of the robot afterwards? Review beautiful TED Talk maps generated by the Noggle knowledge assistant.

Would the robot answer similarly to how we as humans would? Is current machine-learning and cognitive artificial intelligence able to learn and teach a “dump” robot about our world? No theoretical talk about the future of AI—let’s see what we can get out of this technology today.

So I took the publicly available TED talks from their website (, 2,224 talks as of today, 2006-2016) and used the summaries and transcripts to feed our robot; a state-of-the art machine-learning AI algorithm.

After the robot gathered all the content—which took only seconds—we asked it key questions. The robot uses a cognitive-pattern detection algorithm across all talks, so it looks for common patterns within the presentations of all speakers. The robot builds patterns and presents its findings about key topic clusters in a colorful knowledge map – TED Talk maps. The size of the cluster represents the number of talks that have been assigned to a given thematic cluster. The most important clusters are shown in the center. So behind each cluster is the respective number of TED talks that deal with the cluster name shown.

Our natural language processing “robot” works like a natural human response would have: our brains use cognitive shortcuts to make sense of our increasingly complicated world, and the shortcuts used here by our machine learning algorithm seem to have the same effect. Out of these 520 hours of video, the robot was able to extract the important shortcuts with cognitive text processing.

Please visit and read the full article on LinkedIn here:

Download the spreadsheet with all details here:

OnlineHelp Settings Map Tab

How to fine-tune the KnowledgeMap cognitive AI clustering algorithm

You can specifiy how the cluster lables should be generated and which lables should be excluded by the algorithm. Please go to the Settings -> Map section.


Strong Cluster Label [Enabled/Disabled]:

This attribute may be useful when certain words appear in most of the input documents (e.g. company name from header or footer) and such words dominate the cluster labels. In such case, enabled strong cluster lables may improve the clusters.

Another useful application of this attribute is when there is a need to generate only very specific clusters, i.e. clusters containing small numbers of documents. This can be achieved by enabling strong cluster lables.


A stopword is a word that has little meaning by itself. For example, the, a, then, and towards are stopwords for all English documents. A stopword can never appear by itself as a cluster label, although it might be used within a label, depending on the stoplabel settings.


If a KnowledgeMap label includes one of the stop labels, the label will not appear on the map of clusters produced by Noggle KnowledgeMap.

A Visual History of Human Knowledge | Manuel Lima | TED Talks

A Visual History of Human Knowledge

Manuel Lima | TED Talks

How does knowledge grow? Sometimes it begins with one insight and grows into many branches. Infographics expert Manuel Lima explores the thousand-year history of mapping data — from languages to dynasties — using trees of information. It’s a fascinating history of visualizations, and a look into humanity’s urge to map what we know.

What is the Non-Commercial Desktop license?

Noggle Non-Commercial Desktop License – Definition

Noggle is commonly used by individuals or various educational and non-profit organizations for daily document search and retrieval tasks. If you plan to use Noggle for your private or personal needs, and you are the only person planning to use it or you are working in an educational institution or non-profit organization, then the free non-commercial desktop license is for you.

Our non-commercial desktop license is free of charge to support personal document retrieval and/or non-profit research organizations. For educational or non-profit use, you are eligible for the free non-commercial desktop license if you are one of the below accredited bodies:

  • School
  • Library
  • College
  • University
  • Museum
  • Research Institute
  • Church
  • Charitable organization

For individuals, if you are a natural person and not a corporation, company, partnership or association or other entity or organization and will not use the product for commercial purpose, you are eligible for the non-commercial desktop license too.

Any other use requires the purchase of a professional license.

Cognitive Search Engine: How To Overcome The Knowledge Disconnect

How To Overcome The Big Knowledge Disconnect With Cognitive AI: Cognitive Search Engine

Our cognitive search engine with cognitive document retrieval features knocks down barriers between you and your documents. Use our natural and contextual search features that augment users’ experiences via the power of machine-based AI. Plug them in and stop searching – start knowing.

Document Recommendations

Cognitive Search Engine Features

The document recommendation engine can detect all related documents for a given document. If a document is selected from the search results, the engine pulls up all related or similar documents from available libraries regardless of the filename or file type. Our recommendation intelligence is based on full-text/content-similarity deep-search algorithms. It can even pull up new versions of existing documents that have been edited by your colleagues and saved in completely different locations. You can’t locate these documents with simple search queries on your own. For example, imagine that you find an old PowerPoint document and you want to see the latest version of the document and its Excel calculation sheet. They might be anywhere on the network, but our recommendation engine detects them instantly. [read more…]

Cross-Library Search

The mCognitive Document Search and Retrievalanaged library-sharing feature enables organizations to make their documents retrievable by approved people through distributed-search functions. With this feature, users can easily and quickly retrieve useful, relevant documents stored elsewhere on the network or on local computers. The cross-library search saves time and helps avoid the high cost of reinventing the wheel when a document exists somewhere else but cannot be located locally. The embedded “request document” function makes knowledge sharing as simple and secure as sending emails. Cross-library searches speed up the retrieval process and make document retrieval a collaborative activity via our cognitive search engine.

Topic Detection and KnowledgeMap Clustering

Cognitive Search Engine - Clustering Feature

One search aid that helps information workers to retrieve relevant content from large content libraries is clustered cross-document relationship information. This cognitive search service returns visually enriched content topics for all documents in the current search results. It helps to overcome information overload by organizing collections of documents into clearly labeled, hierarchical, thematic clusters in real time, fully automatically, and without external knowledge bases. Instead of browsing linear search results, the KnowledgeMap is a cognitive, non-supervised search-result visualization tool that presents essential information about the structure of topics within search results. The clustering algorithm scans internal relationships and linguistic patterns among all the documents found. In doing so, it unearths new groups or cross-document relationships that might guide you to new, interesting topic areas that enhance the initial search request. The amount of time users spend trying to make sense of long lists of search results is shortened dramatically. With clearly labelled folders, users can navigate straight to the documents they need and easily skip irrelevant ones.

Topic Exploration Service

With the KnowledgeMap topic clustering engine, query refinement is just a mouse click away. Topic clusters generated by our cognitive KnowledgeMap can help users refine their initial queries and drill down to a specific subject. This cognitive feature allows users to automatically rephrase search queries to pull relevant documents out of the selected topic clusters.

Intelligent Duplicate Filtering

As documents got copied, shared, and reorganized over time, more copies of the same file become available in different folders. These files generate “noise” in your search results and make the results list inconvenient to read and browse if it includes duplicate files from different locations. Our duplicate filter  is intelligent enough to keep only the version to which you have direct access. For example, a file might be available three times in your libraries: in the library on your local computer, in a network library (e.g., archive), and in a shared library from your colleague. Our intelligent duplicate filter shows you the file to which you have direct access and filters out the duplicate network file and the duplicate file from your colleague. You can always be sure you’re finding the smartest way to access the document without noisy search result listings.

Recent Work Linking

This feature extends the recommendation engine to drill down into your recent work. Our recent-work-linking algorithm scans your recently used files (e.g., Word documents and presentations you have recently worked on) and scans all available libraries for similar and related documents. Noggle presents a recommendation list for relevant files in your libraries that are related to your current work. In the blink of an eye, this cognitive search engine feature presents all documents from your libraries that might help you during your work activities.

Intelligent Open Engine

Noggle is not built on absolute storage paths. The proprietary Noggle document fingerprint holds all the content/full-text-based information needed to retrieve document regardless of file-naming conventions and storage locations. You can move files during the lifecycle, and the “intelligent open” engine for the document fingerprint will always try to locate the document and open it. This cognitive feature attempts to locate files via different mechanisms. First, the absolute file path is tested. Then, a similarity search is performed to locate a duplicate or similar version in your libraries. Finally, if not found, a document request is sent to the file owner if the file cannot be located in your environment. You can always get to the document no matter whether you have it, it has been moved, or it is part of a shared library. With just one click, the cognitive intelligent open feature guides to the physical document.

Image Text Recognition

The text recognition engine reads text from image files. Optical character recognition (OCR) detects text in an image and extracts the recognized words into an indexed character stream. This feature analyzes images to detect embedded text, generate text, and enable searching. This allows you to scan or take photos of important printed documents and save them in an indexed folder (e.g., simple TIF scans from printed “paper” documents). If these scanned or photographed files are included in a special library, our text recognition makes them retrievable via simple text searches.

Encyclopedia Document Trails

This service allows users to generate topic-specific document trails just by dragging and dropping a document from a library or search result into a Nogglepedia topic. Once you drag and drop a relevant document out of your Noggle library and into a specific Nogglepedia, a proprietary document “fingerprint” is generated. This service isn’t based on moving or sharing the document itself; the document fingerprint holds all the relevant information in an enriched, compressed format. These digital document encyclopedias can be privately shared in the managed Noggle network to empower swarm intelligence, such as research groups collecting fingerprints from private or corporate documents. These fingerprints bundle the available knowledge on special subjects. From each fingerprint in a Nogglepedia, all our cognitive search engine and retrieval services, such as recommendations, can be executed with just a mouse click.

Drop-In document linking

This service allows users to drag and drop any available document into the Noggle application to retrieve related documents, such as an email attachment or a local file. This file might not be part of any indexed library, but Noggle instantly scans the document and performs a concept-based full-text search within your document libraries. Therefore, you can drop any file into the Noggle client application, and this cognitive search engine and document retrieval service will perform full-text concept matching


Additional License Information:
You need a professional license for the following services:
Shared Cross-Library Search, Intelligent Open/Document Request, Collaborative Encyclopedia Document Trails


Further reading and references on “Cognitive Search Engine”:

Search OneDrive Documents – Office365 Integration

Search OneDrive Documents – How to integrate Office365 with Noggle

Noggle has direct interfaces to quickly find and search OneDrive documents via Office365 API integration.

Adoption of SharePoint Online, Office365 and OneDrive is high. Some companies have standardized on Office365 with OneDrive for Business as an document management platform while others use different storage locations for sharing files. In either situation, the reality is that business workers store information in multiple places — SharePoint, network file shares and cloud storages. To find that information is often a frustrating task of switching from application to application.

Noggle for Microsoft Office 365 enable information workers to easily and efficiently search, find and access documents from one single unified front-end desktop application. Noggle integrates OneDrive, OneDrive for Business and Office365 SharePoint Online storage locations to build and share knowledge libraries.


Noggle has registered apps to integrate with Microsoft OneDrive and OneDrive for Business storage accounts. Choose “OneDrive” or “OneDriveBusiness” as provider when creating a new noggle library. During library initialization, you must authorize the Noggle app to get access to your OneDrive account. The authorization flow will start automatically and only needs to be processed once.

OneDrive Authorization Flow

Login with your OneDrive Microsoft account data and approve the Noggle application permission request.

OneDrive Personal

OneDrive for Business Authorization Flow

1. Login with your Office365 account to authorize the noggle application:

Search OneDrive Documents - Noggle Login

2. Confirm that Noggle is allowed to read your OneDrive files:

Search OneDrive Documents - Noggle Login Confirmation

This procedure is only needed once for initial account authorization. You can revoke OneDrive storage access for Noggle at anytime via your Office365 portal.

How to revoke access:

If you want to revoke access, login to your Office365 account, navigate to “My App permission”. Follow this article for detailed instructions

Revoking Consent for Noggle Knowledge App in Azure Active Directory

Document Disconnect

Despite large investments over many years in ERP, CRM, HCM, SCM, etc., the “last mile” of many critical business processes is still a disconnected, discontinuous experience. The information needed for business documents is often contained in multiple systems — “digital silos.” The result is disconnected business processes.

  • 46% cite impaired ability to plan, forecast, and budget due to lack of visibility
  • 50% say people outside of their organization with whom they need to exchange documents use a different system or application
  • 51% cite documents that are misfiled or lost
  • Lacking visibility- 38% cite difficulty relating documents or versions of documents to important context


IDC Study: “The Document Disconnect” (2015)

Document Encyclopedia for the Digital Age: KnowledgeBox

Document management and knowledge sharing for the digital age

Knowledge Document Encyclopedia in the Digital Age

Document Encyclopedia

Our KnowledgeBox is a collaborative document encyclopedia for the digital age. A KnowledgeBox holds digital fingerprints of important documents from a particular branch of knowledge. Unlike a document library, which focuses on storage and document retrieval, KnowledgeBox topics focus on factual document information about the subject for which the box is named.

But a KnowledgeBox isn’t just another shared storage location or SharePoint to put documents into. Once you drag and drop a relevant document out of your Noggle library onto a specific box, a proprietary document “fingerprint” is generated. So it’s not about moving or sharing the document itself: the document fingerprint holds all relevant information in an enriched and compressed format. This allows that document or similar and related ones to be retrieved with just the fingerprint information, as the KnowledgeBox only stores the document’s fingerprint. This fingerprint is very small compared to the original file, but it holds all the full-text information needed to retrieve the document. So it doesn’t matter where the file is located or stored: with a Noggle document fingerprint, you or your colleagues can retrieve the document or similar ones regardless of the physical storage location.

With the managed Noggle peer-to-peer sharing functions, you can empower swarm intelligence such as research groups that are collecting fingerprints of private or corporate documents. These fingerprints bundle the available knowledge on special subjects. Without disrupting document access rights, you can share this knowledge to help others retrieve relevant knowledge and get connected.

Just as Wikipedia is a collaborative public platform for writing articles, KnowledgeBox is a collaborative private platform for linking document fingerprints on special subjects.

The following video shows how it works:

The document encyclopedia helps to:

  • Make your knowledge portable via a document encyclopedia
    Access your important knowledge and documents on any device without having to move files or documents. No need to know about storage locations. The Nogglepedia fingerprint will retrieve a document regardless of where it’s stored or whether it has moved to another location.
  • Securely share your knowledge encyclopedias with peers, colleagues, and friends
    As you only share Noggle fingerprints, the process is completely secure, as the documents stay where they are. In addition, it  has a low footprint for storage and bandwith.
  • Collaborate on specific knowledge areas
    Connect to knowledge encyclopedias to add important document fingerprints and receive fingerprints from others.
  • Save current research results and continue a deep-search later
    Quickly collect documents of interest for specific topics and do a further deep search later, e.g., with similarity search functions.

1913—first came the Encyclopædia Britannica, the oldest and one of the largest contemporary English encyclopedias.

2001–Wikipedia for public content showed up.

2016–for private knowledge sharing, When in doubt, look it up in the Encyclopedia Noggle, a.k.a. KnowledgeBox!


* Wkipedia definition for Encyclopedia

I cant find Excel files with macros, what to do?

I cant find Excel files with macros, what to do?

Excel files including macros are saved with the extension .xlsm. This filetype is not indexed by standard settings.

You need to include Excel marco file extensions either in the seperate libary setting (browse over the library entry and press the settigs button):



Or, if you want to have Excel macro files included in every library by standard, enter the file extension in the general application settings panel -> Indexing)
