Press release: Knowledge as a success factor

The knowledge of the world doubles every ten years. Quantitative knowledge grows exponentially, qualitative knowledge linear. How can companies remain successful and identify relevant knowledge?

Transactive knowledge ensures success

It must be possible to generate, store, transfer and increase the required expertise at reasonable cost, at the right time, at the right place. Transactive knowledge is the knowledge of others’ knowledge. By sharing knowledge, knowledge systems emerge. These facilitate the coordination of the know-how and the task. Know-how must always be shared. For this, people must have the opportunity to exchange ideas. Teams with knowledge opportunists lose against knowledge-cooperative teams. There is no future for companies that can not create a framework in which expertise can be exchanged successfully.

Design of transient knowledge

Specialization is necessary through information growth. The tasks are so challenging that knowledge workers must join together in teams. They have to cooperate and share their knowledge generously. They have to form complex and dynamically changing networks. Lars von Thienen, of Noggle AG, is working on this topic with his tool “Noggle”, “In companies, many people have a lot of know-how and create new input. Even the colleague on the next floor has no access to this expertise. There is usually no time on a working day to be in conversation with colleagues and build up transactive knowledge. Digital tools have to close this gap by making knowledge searchable, identifying experts in the network, and highlighting their content. Networks and framework conditions for the economic transfer of knowledge can be created.”

Knowledge growth and its impact

Knowledge must always be acquired more quickly, correctly passed on, linked and re-produced. The world’s expertise is growing exponentially, doubling every 10 years. Every day almost 500,000 books are published. The distance between quantity and quality increases. It will be harder to find and filter relevant knowledge. Modern knowledge workers do not have to know everything about their profession, but they need to know how to find reliable expertise to solve a problem.

Press Release: New Work and the need for cooperation

As a result of New Work, decentralization, flexibility and digital information, virtual collaboration tools are considered irreplaceable.

Cooperation and increasing individualization

Employees increasingly want to decide individually about their work process and flexibly determine their working time and location. By taking these wishes into account, companies can acquire motivated, productive and loyal employees. Cooperation and efficiency must not be impaired. Thanks to digital tools this can be achieved. Real-time communication and collaboration platforms create new forms of cooperation.

“Building, maintaining and sharing knowledge is an important part of successful collaboration”, said Lars von Thienen, who proceed this issue with his tool, “To find digital information on a decentralized basis is a task of digitization and the changing cooperation. For example, the digital knowledge assistant “Noggle” offers a way to answer this by presenting decentralized documents in a central search result and by cognitively sorting and linking knowledge. Finding knowledge and experts in the enterprise is realizable.”

Digitization of the working world

The digitization of the working world and processes is in progress. IT systems are getting better at analyzing information. Information is more and more digitally available and will remain structured over an extended period of time. In the medium term, all necessary documents will be available digitally and thus independent of the location. This is how digitization affects cooperation. An increasing flexibilisation, decentralization and de-marginalization of work is developing.

New Work – Cause and Target

New work, the fundamental change in the world of work, is idea and movement at the same time. Work-Life-Balance and the industrial internet of things find their fusion in this term. Knowledge growth, demographic change, digitalization and globalization have an impact on the society as well as on companies and are the cause of the discussion about New Work.The target is to change the design of work.

New work is the future of work. Companies need to adjust culturally and technically.

What would a robot see in TED Talks? …beautiful TED Talk maps

What would happen if we fed a robot with all the TED talks from the most inspiring leaders in the world over the last 10 years and asked key questions of the robot afterwards? Review beautiful TED Talk maps generated by the Noggle knowledge assistant.

Would the robot answer similarly to how we as humans would? Is current machine-learning and cognitive artificial intelligence able to learn and teach a “dump” robot about our world? No theoretical talk about the future of AI—let’s see what we can get out of this technology today.

So I took the publicly available TED talks from their website (, 2,224 talks as of today, 2006-2016) and used the summaries and transcripts to feed our robot; a state-of-the art machine-learning AI algorithm.

After the robot gathered all the content—which took only seconds—we asked it key questions. The robot uses a cognitive-pattern detection algorithm across all talks, so it looks for common patterns within the presentations of all speakers. The robot builds patterns and presents its findings about key topic clusters in a colorful knowledge map – TED Talk maps. The size of the cluster represents the number of talks that have been assigned to a given thematic cluster. The most important clusters are shown in the center. So behind each cluster is the respective number of TED talks that deal with the cluster name shown.

Our natural language processing “robot” works like a natural human response would have: our brains use cognitive shortcuts to make sense of our increasingly complicated world, and the shortcuts used here by our machine learning algorithm seem to have the same effect. Out of these 520 hours of video, the robot was able to extract the important shortcuts with cognitive text processing.

Please visit and read the full article on LinkedIn here:

Download the spreadsheet with all details here:

A Visual History of Human Knowledge | Manuel Lima | TED Talks

A Visual History of Human Knowledge

Manuel Lima | TED Talks

How does knowledge grow? Sometimes it begins with one insight and grows into many branches. Infographics expert Manuel Lima explores the thousand-year history of mapping data — from languages to dynasties — using trees of information. It’s a fascinating history of visualizations, and a look into humanity’s urge to map what we know.

Document Disconnect

Despite large investments over many years in ERP, CRM, HCM, SCM, etc., the “last mile” of many critical business processes is still a disconnected, discontinuous experience. The information needed for business documents is often contained in multiple systems — “digital silos.” The result is disconnected business processes.

  • 46% cite impaired ability to plan, forecast, and budget due to lack of visibility
  • 50% say people outside of their organization with whom they need to exchange documents use a different system or application
  • 51% cite documents that are misfiled or lost
  • Lacking visibility- 38% cite difficulty relating documents or versions of documents to important context


IDC Study: “The Document Disconnect” (2015)

Knowledge workers collaboration and productivity

Increase Productivity by 20%: Knowledge workers collaboration via social technologies


Knowledge Workers Collaboration Tools

Knowledge Workers Collaboration Tools

New technologies for social collaboration: A McKinsey report discusses the potential value in using social tools to enhance communications, knowledge sharing, and collaboration within and across enterprises.

The most powerful applications of social technologies in the global economy are largely untapped. By using social technologies, companies can raise the productivity of knowledge workers by 20 to 25 percent.

The article conludes that organizations must transform their structures, processes, and cultures: they will need to become more open and nonhierarchical and to create a culture of trust. Ultimately, the power of social technologies hinges on the full and enthusiastic participation of employees who are not afraid to share their thoughts and trust that their contributions will be respected.

Knowledge Workers Collaboration

Finally, creating these conditions will be far more challenging than implementing new technologies like Noggle. So, the McKinsey report underlines the conceptual background of Noggle: It needs to be accepted within the sphere of knowledge management that experts in the gig economy do not want to give away their “knowledge” (in the form of documents) to centralized places, thereby losing control of what or who can access the knowledge. Knowledge managers need to be aware that knowledge is not only the information or document itself—knowledge is also about finding the people behind bits of information or documents. Today, we must empower the gig economy instead of fighting it with rigid centralized storage-process guidelines. In supporting decentral knowledge sharing, we will increase productivity among organizations. We must accept that centralized document-management approaches, which have been the focus of most knowledge-management projects, constantly fail to deliver value in the long run.

The following link includes a downloadable executive summary and the full report with more data about the study:

Knowledge Workers – How to raise productivity

Full Article

Knowledge sharing practice – It is time to act

The GigEconomy: We share everything but struggle to share knowledge.

What about your knowledge sharing practice today?

In an LinkedIn Pulse article, the motivation for Noggle was outline in regards to the upcoming requirements to put knowledge sharing into practice in the Era of the Gig Economy.

Knowledge sharing is part of our human nature to connect and collaborate with others. We are social beings, and as such have been bound to share what we know with others. Today, we applaud the arrival of the collaborative economy, in which we have started to share increasing aspects of our lives. Examples are carsharing, roomsharing, co-working and office-space sharing, and peer-to-peer lending or crowdfunding. However, what about knowledge sharing practice today? It is one of the great ironies that we share almost everything but still struggle to share knowledge.

Knowledge Sharing Practice

What abour your knowledge sharing practice?

While the importance of knowledge sharing practice increases, the personal skills of managing it seem to fade.

In times when storage space is nearly unlimited at nearly zero cost, we save ever more documents in scattered file shares. Nobody cares about disk space anymore. So, our cherished new technologies, like big data and the cloud, simply fan the flames of information overload. We still struggle to find information that matters.

The growth of computing has brought renewed attention to the ideas of Vannevar Bush about processing and storing information, including the “Memex,” an information-storage concept detailed in Bush’s 1945 essay “As We May Think,” in The Atlantic Monthly. (Vannevar Bush – “As We May Think”)

Some may think that the ideas and concepts postulated in ‘As We May Think’ are old or without much value. But, it seems that the idea of association and its value for augmenting human understanding and cognition continues even today. So what of the man, what of the paper, and why does this work still continue to resonate 70 years after it was first published?

Please read the full article and follow-up here:
LinkedIn Pulse Article “Knowledge Management”

Why noggle helps to avoid collaborative overload

Why nHBR_ColOverloadoggle helps to avoid collaborative overload

In the Jan./Feb. 2016 issue of the Harvard Business Review, Rob Cross, Reb Rebele and Adam Grant wrote an article on the topic “Collaborative Overload”. They recommend to leverage technology to make informational ressource more accessible and transparent.


„Collaboration is taking over the workplace. As business becomes increasingly global and cross-functional, silos are breaking down, connectivity is increasing, and teamwork is seen as a key to organizational success. … Performance suffers as they (people) are buried under an avalanche of requests for input or advice, access to resources. … Informational and social resources can be shared—often in a single exchange—.. That is, when I offer you knowledge or network awareness … An exchange that might have taken five minutes or less turns into a 30-minute calendar invite that strains personal resources on both sides of the request. … Leverage technology and physical space to make informational and social resources more accessible and transparent. … Efficient sharing of informational, social, and personal resources should also be a prerequisite for positive reviews, promotions, and pay raises. … Collaboration is indeed the answer to many of today’s most pressing business challenges.”

Exactly what Noggle provides. Noggle is a peer-to-peer “exchange” for information libraries. To make your information ressources transparent and more accessible. A productivity tool to fight against collaborative overload.

Make it happen with Noggle.

Link to the full article:
HBR Article “Collaborative Overload”

Why information sharing can make you a winning team

“How Too Many Rules at Work Keep You from Getting Things Done”

TED Talk by Yves Morieux

“Organizations spend 40-80% percent of their time, wasting their time. E.g. for undoing and redoing, writing reports. When people dont coorporate, dont blame the people, look at their work situations. We need to create organizations in which it becomes individually usefull for people to coorperate. Remove interfaces, middle offices and complicated coordination structures.”

See in his talk why peer-to-peer information sharing and collaboration with Noggle can help to make you a winning team, even if others may have better information. Why? Because Noggle integrates collaboration with information sharing without complicated central coordination structures.



“Thanks to coorperations the whole is worth more than the sum of the parts. Contribute to the effort of others.”

Noggle is a productivity tool focussing on peer-to-peer information retrieval. Start contributing to the effort of others without complicated rules. Start making your team the winning team. Start focusing on getting things done with Noggle.