
Revoking Consent for Noggle Knowledge App in Azure Active Directory

In order for Noggle to work with Office365 connectors like OneDrive or Teams, it needs to get consent to read the profile and files for the MS Graph API of the signed-in user. Some people fall in the middle where they are happy to consent as long as they can choose to revoke that consent after they are done playing with the app.

It is not very obvious what you need to do to revoke consent for an Azure Active Directory Application. Even people on the Identity team don’t always know. So let’s talk about how you can do it

Using the My Apps Portal for Individual User Consent

You can revoke individual user consent through the My Apps Portal. Here you should see a view of all applications that you or even your administrator (on your behalf) has consented to:

With applications your admin has consented to, all you can do is open the app, however for apps where you individually consented as a user, you can click “Remove” which will revoke consent for the application.

Using the Azure Portal to Remove Tenant Wide Consent

If you are a tenant administrator, and you want to revoke consent for an application across your entire tenant, you can go to the Azure Portal.  Whether it be for a bunch of users who individually consented or for an admin who consented on behalf of all the users, by simply deleting the application’s service principal, you will remove all OAuth 2 Permission Grants (the object used to store consent) linked to that application. Think about removing the service principal like uninstalling the application from your tenant.

You could delete the service principal a bunch of different ways like through Azure Active Directory PowerShell or through the Microsoft Graph API, but the easiest way for the average administrator is right through the Azure Portal.

Navigate to the Enterprise Applications blade in the Azure portal:

When you click the Noggle application, you will be brought to an “Overview” section, where a tempting button called “Delete” will be at the top. Before you click this button,  you might want to take a peak at the “Permissions” section to see the types of consent that was granted to this application:

Once you feel confident that you want to delete this application, go back to “Overview” and click “Delete”.

The consent associated with the Noggle Knowledge app is now gone for your organization.

Search OneDrive Documents – Office365 Integration

Search OneDrive Documents – How to integrate Office365 with Noggle

Noggle has direct interfaces to quickly find and search OneDrive documents via Office365 API integration.

Adoption of SharePoint Online, Office365 and OneDrive is high. Some companies have standardized on Office365 with OneDrive for Business as an document management platform while others use different storage locations for sharing files. In either situation, the reality is that business workers store information in multiple places — SharePoint, network file shares and cloud storages. To find that information is often a frustrating task of switching from application to application.

Noggle for Microsoft Office 365 enable information workers to easily and efficiently search, find and access documents from one single unified front-end desktop application. Noggle integrates OneDrive, OneDrive for Business and Office365 SharePoint Online storage locations to build and share knowledge libraries.


Noggle has registered apps to integrate with Microsoft OneDrive and OneDrive for Business storage accounts. Choose “OneDrive” or “OneDriveBusiness” as provider when creating a new noggle library. During library initialization, you must authorize the Noggle app to get access to your OneDrive account. The authorization flow will start automatically and only needs to be processed once.

OneDrive Authorization Flow

Login with your OneDrive Microsoft account data and approve the Noggle application permission request.

OneDrive Personal

OneDrive for Business Authorization Flow

1. Login with your Office365 account to authorize the noggle application:

Search OneDrive Documents - Noggle Login

2. Confirm that Noggle is allowed to read your OneDrive files:

Search OneDrive Documents - Noggle Login Confirmation

This procedure is only needed once for initial account authorization. You can revoke OneDrive storage access for Noggle at anytime via your Office365 portal.

How to revoke access:

If you want to revoke access, login to your Office365 account, navigate to “My App permission”. Follow this article for detailed instructions

Revoking Consent for Noggle Knowledge App in Azure Active Directory